Thursday, February 28, 2013

All Those Onions!

My beloved brought me three batches of onions: we have one set of sweet onions (Walla Walla), one set of white onions (White Ebenezer), and some sort of red onions.

I don't think I told her that I want to keep three kinds of homemade onion powder in the kitchen: sweet onion powder, white onion powder and red onion powder. My beloved is awesome!

Here are some photos of the process: before, during & after. Note that the "Before" picture is the "wintered over" state of the bed: that's winter rye. I just tilled it in.

Note that the Sweet and Red onions are starts, and I filled up their sections. The White onions are from sets (small bulbs), and I only filled half of them so far: they'll keep better, and I'll plant more later in the season.

From the near side (here, the left side): Red, White & Sweet.

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