Friday, March 13, 2020

Grape Arbor

I've had a couple of grape starts rooting in the greenhouse all fall and winter. This spring, they'll be ready for the Great Outdoors. So of course they'll need something to climb on.

Here it is under construction, and after installation in the chicken yard. I figure that the chickens can fertilize it, and if there are some grapes that fall to the ground, I'll bet they can clean them up.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

It's Daylight Savings. Must Garden!

Planted Swiss Chard this weekend.

Package said, "Plant January through March."

Had some kale starts. Set them out. Probably too early for these, not because of the calendar, but because they're too little. We'll see.

Planted some peas. Sugar snaps.

Set out some lettuce starts. Some Romaine, some Butter Crunch.

Didn't do anything to the rhubarb, but it's coming up.