Saturday, February 5, 2022

2022 Starts

12/15/2021: Planted papaya seeds, from a papaya from the grocery store.

12/20/2021: Planted pomegranate seeds, from a pomegranate from the grocery store.

Both sprouted well. 

1/15/2022: Planted a number of peppers. These are always slow to sprout. 

1/15/2022: Started some cuttings from a lime tree. These did not take. 😢

1/20/2022: Finished pruning all the pepper plants that are over-wintering. Nearly all of them are in good shape. 

1/28/2021: Planted squash and cucumber seeds. Martini cucumbers sprouted very quickly.

1/28/2021: Planted various brassica seeds. Broccoli is first to germinate. 

2/5/2022: Planted a few tomato seeds. Yeah, it's too early, but I'm excited for spring. 

2/5/2022: Planted yellow onion seeds. These are later than I'd like.