A lot of good things growing. I pruned the raspberries hard over the winter. They are doing very well.
This is one of the beds that did not get the fresh compost dug-in, so it didn't like starting seeds. The lettuce and carrots are store bought starts. The peas, cucumbers, celery our homegrown starts
The garlic has been growing since last fall, but this spring, I added the peppers To The Ends. Garlic is nearly ready for harvesting. Pepper's doing okay.
This big bed is something of a miscellaneous bed this year. I did get the compost dug in on this, so it handles seeds really well. We have, clockwise from the West, last year's Swiss chard, fresh lettuce, orange marigolds, last year's onions for seed, German carrots, red onions for seed, Beats, another batch of lettuce, spinach just starting down in front here, a great big sunflower, from a weed, several cucumbers, and a couple of peppers.
The cucumbers are worth some attention. I put up a trellis for them this year. Some of them made it up the trellis. Some starts didn't thrive. And some starts are growing on the ground. But I like the trellis idea. I will do this again.
Tomatoes are doing really well. Every year, I tell myself that I'm not going to overcrowd the tomatoes. Every year I decide I need lots of tomatoes. So I overcrowd every year. Sigh.
One kale plant along the side, for the chickens.
The Brassica bed was interesting. This one did not get the compost dug-in oh, so it was hostile to seeds and very young starts. The cabbage, broccoli, kale was from store-bought starts. Sad. The Swiss chard on this end is a local start. On the far end AR green onions, and I'm growing some brussel sprouts seeds.
I have a great this year. I got a cutting from a seedless concord grape from a friend. But see how this grows.
This bed was full of asparagus last year. This year only one asparagus came up. Very disappointing. Planted several more asparagus roots. Only two of those came up.
But because the asparagus was here, I couldn't dig in the top level of compost oh, so it didn't work well for seeds.
We had a number of tomato plants show up as weeds. So I'm putting those in here. I also have some leftover peas starts, and some marigolds at the end. And one carrot.
Lemon tree is doing well this year. I've harvested three lemons so far this year, there are six or eight more. Lots of new growth.
Of course, this spends its winters in the greenhouse.
The squash bed. All starts our local oh, but you can tell which ones were put out too early. I've already started harvesting zucchinis. Note to self. Don't put squash out until late May. Celery on the ends.
These last bed. Rhubarb is taking over the world. How to have Peas on a trellis, cucumbers on another color, some of which are doing better than others.
Lots of containers next to the greenhouse this year. Tomatoes and peppers. One ground cherry. Cement in baskets. Some kale growing for seed.